会议地点: 美国 旧金山(San Francisco, CA)
会议时间: 2022年5月19-21日
行业: 骨科|医院管理|其它会议
北美关节镜协会(AANA)是一个由4000多名矫形外科医生和其他医疗专业人士组成的非营利性国际专业协会,致力于推进微创骨外科领域宣的发展。AANA是John B.McGinty于1982年在IAA北美分会的基础上领导组建,其创办宗旨是提高成员的关节镜外科知识和能力,AANA不断活跃在关节镜外科领域的最前沿,AANA和其他国际协会的区别在于注重临床应用及尸体实操培训,也是与全美最大骨科组织AAOS共同拥有美国骨科学习中心(OLC),而且实验室手术实操课程甚至多过AAOS,使北美地区的关节镜外科技术与发展水平代表着国际最高水准。
AANA 2022 - The Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA) Annual Meeting
DATE: May 19-21, 2022
LOCATION: San Francisco Marriott Marquis,San Francisco, CA, USA
Dear Colleague:
It is a great pleasure to invite you and your family to join us in San Francisco for the 2022 AANA Annual Meeting where we will celebrate AANA’s 40th Anniversary! With all the apprehension and uneasiness that has surrounded the pandemic, we’re overdue to gather together for an opportunity to learn and celebrate with friends.
AANA22 will teach us new and innovative techniques. We will learn through controversial conversations and debates, explore cutting-edge technology and offer many new pearls you can immediately apply to your practice – with the stunning backdrop of San Francisco where your family can explore as we learn.
We want to also emphasize having fun at the meeting and we will kick off the celebration with a golf tournament, Gather on the Green. We have secured TPC Harding Park, home of the recent 2020 PGA Championship, for our “Fore-Tee” tournament. This spectacular course, rated a “must-play” by Golf Digest, is cypress tree-lined along Lake Merced and will undoubtedly be an enjoyable afternoon.
New this year, we’ve included access to all Instructional Course Lectures (ICLs) in your registration fee – no add-on cost for ICLs! So be sure to select your desired ICL during the registration process, we suspect they will reach capacity quickly
We are thrilled and honored to welcome our colleagues from around the world and will host several guest nations from the Pan-Asian region. Their unique perspectives on a variety of procedural techniques will provide fresh insight to contemporary clinical challenges.
This year we will have several notable guest lectures that will enhance the richness of the program through presentations on diversity, lessons learned through the military and innovations such as artificial intelligence. We are looking forward to announcing those speakers!
The AANA Annual Meeting will feature many fun elements. We have a nice schedule of guest/spouse events, including a guided hike through the Muir Woods National Monument, that we encourage your families attend. We would be remiss if wine wasn’t featured during our time in the Bay Area, so you’ll find an optional daily wine event for your enjoyment as well.
Attending AANA22 is like reuniting with family, and we would like nothing more than for you to come and experience the personal connection first-hand.
Happy 40th to AANA and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Mark H. Getelman, M.D., FAANA
AANA President
Kevin F. Bonner, M.D., FAANA
Program Chair
The registration fee includes all continental breakfasts, coffee breaks, receptions, registration materials and general sessions. ICL registration is included in this fee, but registration is necessary.
Registration refunds will be subject to a nonrefundable $100 processing fee. Requests for refunds must be received in writing at the Association office by April 21, 2022. No refunds will be issued after April 21, 2022. Refunds will not be made for no-shows.
AANA is not responsible for expenses incurred by an individual who is not confirmed and for whom space is not available at the meeting. Cost incurred by the registrant, such as airline or hotel fees or penalties are the responsibility of the registrant.
Refunds are not available for add-ons and ticketed special events. Name changes will be allowed
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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