
2022年第18届世界作业治疗师联盟大会(WFOT 2022)


会议地点: 法国 巴黎 (Paris, France)
会议时间: 2022年8月28-31日
行业: 药学|护理|急诊|重症|康复会议


2022年第18届世界作业治疗师联盟大会(WFOT 2022)将于2022年8月28-31日在法国巴黎举行。

世界作业治疗师联盟(WFOT)成立于1952 年,是作业治疗领域唯一的全球性组织,最早由来自美国、英国(英格兰和苏格兰)、加拿大、南非、瑞典、新西兰、澳大利亚、以色列、印度和丹麦等十个国家的作业治疗协会或组织联合发起成立。1959年WFOT与世界卫生组织(WHO)建立了正式关系,1963年WFOT被联合国认定为非政府组织(NGO)。WFOT现拥有90多个成员国,代表全球超过48万名作业治疗师。WFOT的使命是促进全球作业治疗协会、治疗师和其他相关专业团体之间的国际合作;推动作业治疗的实践与标准;帮助维护道德规范,增进行业权益;促进治疗师与学生的国际交流与就业;促进治疗师的教育与培训和主办国际性会议;出版专业杂志。 (lingyuint.com)

18th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT)
Date: 28 - 31 August 2022
Venue: Paris Convention Centre, Paris, France

会议主题/Theme: Occupational R-Evolution





October 2020

Call for Papers opens

14 April 2021

Call for Papers closes

August 2021

Author Notification

1 September 2021

Author Response

9 May 2022*

Early Bird registration closes

27 August 2022

Pre-Congress Workshops and Education Day

28 August 2022

WFOT Congress commences

31 August 2022

WFOT Congress concludes

*Accepted presenters must register by this date

Delegates in attendance = 2000
Number of sponsors and exhibitors = 29
Number of presenters: 1150
Number of pre-congress workshops: 10
Number of in-congress workshops: 13
Number of oral sessions: 71
Number of guided poster sessions: 10
Number of standard posters: 800




On behalf of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT), I would like to offer a warm and sincere welcome to the website for the upcoming 18th WFOT International Congress.

We encourage you to start making your preparations now to join us in Paris, France to share the latest research, learning and best practice for our profession and connect with peers from all around the world.

Our theme “Occupational R-Evolution” will explore the continuing advancements in occupational therapy, and in our world, and highlight the leadership of our profession for navigating the dynamics of change.

We look forward to welcoming you and learning from you. We aim to enrich your understanding, stimulate your thinking and shape your ideas, by presenting a truly global programme of speakers and topical professional content.

Be sure to visit this website and the WFOT website regularly for the most up to date information and subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates direct to your inbox. We invite you to join the conversation with us on social media. You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram using the tag #WFOT2022.

We are excited about meeting you in Paris,

Ritchard Ledgerd
Executive Director, WFOT




All prices are in Euro €


Early Bird rate
Before 9 May 2022

Standard rate
After 9 May 2022

In-person attendance packages
Member 850.00 € 980.00 €
Non-Member 1,140.00 € 1,310.00 €
Student 470.00 € 540.00 €
Day Registration 470.00 € 470.00 €
Virtual attendance packages
Member 555.00 € 635.00 €
Non-Member 740.00 € 850.00 €
Student 305.00 € 350.00 €
Day Registration 305.00 € 305.00 €

Low and Middle income economies: To qualify for the Low and Middle income economies rate, you must receive your main income from a country that is not classified as "high income" according to the World Bank classification.


Early Bird rate
Before 9 May 2022

Standard rate
After 9 May 2022

In-person attendance packages
Member 375.00 € 470.00 €
Non-Member 470.00 € 565.00 €
Student 280.00 € 280.00 €
Day Registration 280.00 € 280.00 €
Virtual attendance packages
Member 245.00 € 305.00 €
Non-Member 305.00 € 370.00 €
Student 185.00 € 185.00 €
Day Registration 185.00 € 185.00 €

Low and Middle income economies: To qualify for the Low and Middle income economies rate, you must receive your main income from a country that is not classified as "high income" according to the World Bank classification.

Member rate: To qualify for the Member Rate, you must be an individual member of WFOT, or a member of a national association that is a member organisation of WFOT. Your membership status will be verified by the relevant Association. Click here for details of which national associations are WFOT members.

Student rate: The Student Rate applies to those who are a student at the time of registration and during the Congress dates. Students are those studying in a entry level education programme to become an occupational therapist, or qualified occupational therapists who are undertaking full time doctoral studies or similar post entry level education. A valid document, i.e. student card or letters issued by the school/university/institution must accompany the student registration.

Early bird rates: Early bird rates are available prior to the deadline of 8 December 2021. Payment must be received prior to this date to qualify for the discounted rate.



In-person Full Registration entitles the Attendee to:

  • All Congress sessions on 28-31 August 2022
  • Refreshments each day
  • Congress programme handbook, congress app and attendee materials
  • Access to the Welcome Reception on 28 August 2022
  • Online access to all programme sessions on-demand after the Congress dates for day's of your registration booking

In-person Day Registration entitles the Attendee to:

  • All Congress sessions on the day of registration
  • Refreshments on the day of registration
  • Congress programme handbook and attendee materials
  • Access to the Welcome Reception on 28 August 2022 (for Sunday and Monday registrations only)
  • Online access to select programme sessions on-demand after the Congress dates

Virtual Full Registration entitles the Attendee to online access to:

  • All Congress sessions streamed on 28-31 August 2022
  • Connect with exhibitors
  • Networking opportunities
  • All programme sessions on-demand after the Congress dates

Virtual Day Registration entitles the Attendee to online access to:

  • Congress sessions streamed on the day of registration
  • Exhibitors on the day of registration and throughout the event
  • Networking opportunities on the day of registration
  • Select programme sessions on-demand after the Congress dates



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