


会议地点: VIRTUAL-虚拟会议
会议时间: 2021年7月1-4日
行业: 药学|护理|急诊|重症|康复会议




大会主题:“Pharmacy Beyond 2020 - Changing Landscapes, Improving Lives

Dear Industry Colleagues, Trade Partners and Friends,

Thank you for your support in the past towards the Asian Congress on Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) and Singapore Pharmacy Congress (SPC). It was with your partnership that we have achieved resounding success in improving the standards of pharmacy practice in Singapore, the region, and beyond.

On behalf of the Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore and the 20th ACCP Organising Committee, we would like to invite you to journey with us for our upcoming instalment of the regional scientific conference. The regional congress was last held successfully in Singapore in 2010. After a decade, come 20th - 23rd August 2020, this scientific congress will return to our tropical island. We look forward to bringing the conference to new heights with your kind contribution.

Since winning the right to host the 20th ACCP in 2020, our committee has secured in-principle support from the Singapore Tourism Board, Changi Airport Group and Singapore Airlines. The Congress will be attended by 1500 local and foreign delegates and shall consist of 4 days of scientific keynote and plenary lectures, concurrent symposia, oral and poster abstract presentations and break out workshops. The agenda will cover relevant areas in pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical sciences. Sponsors will be able to create brand awareness by being part of the scientific programme, commercial exhibitions, publicity materials, or social events.

Our 20th ACCP Theme “Pharmacy Beyond 2020 - Changing Landscapes, Improving Lives”, aims to not only foster new scientific knowledge but also to enable regional expertise sharing for the betterment of health among Asian populations. As we will have a host of international delegates are with us in Singapore, we plan to deliver exemplary hospitality and build lasting relationships with our fellow Asian healthcare professional counterparts.

Your sponsorship participation will be pivotal in ensuring the success of our event. We hope that you will continue to support us, and we look forward to seeing you at ACCP 2020!

Yours sincerely,

Ms Chean Ning Wei, Tracy
ACCP 2020 Organising Committee
Mr Lai Yi Feng 
ACCP 2020 Organising Committee



会议对象: 药剂师,医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2022年第35届欧洲重症医学会年会(ESICM LIVES 2022)

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