


会议地点: 美国 圣安东尼奥(San Antonio, TX)
会议时间: 2022年3月18日至21日
行业: 药学|护理|急诊|重症|康复会议




APhA2022 - American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Annual Meeting & Exposition
Date: March 18-21, 2022
Venue: San Antonio, TX, USA

APhA Annual Meeting is the only event uniting pharmacists from all experience levels and practice settings, including community, independent ownership, research, academia, government, and health system. More than 6,000 attendees come together annually to enjoy robust programming that’s easy to navigate, complete with the profession’s largest policy discussions to shape pharmacy’s future.

With 20+ hours of CPE you earn critical credits through captivating sessions that bring you up to speed on the topics affecting your work, from the opioid crisis to pharmacists’ burnout. Take advantage of APhA Annual Meeting to propel your career forward, improve patient care, and realize true fulfillment in your work.




In-person and Virtual Attendance

All scheduled events and activities will be available for in-person attendees (except where a ticket may be required). Offerings for virtual attendees will include select educational sessions, the opening and second general sessions, access to exhibitors, and other events.  Please note that most virtual offerings will be available only during in-person scheduled events. There is currently no plan for an enduring virtual experience.

The price of attendance is the same for in-person and virtual attendance.

Registration Rates

 Registation Category Early Fee
By Jan 28 
Late Fee
After Jan 28
Member Full Conference $725  $940  
Nonmember Full Conference $1095  $1310
Federal Pharmacist Member Full Conference $725 $940  
Federal Pharmacist Nonmember Full Conference $725 $1070   
New Practitioner/Postgraduate/Resident Member* $410  $620  
New Practitioner/Postgraduate/Resident Nonmember* $645 $854 
Student Member $305 $355   
Student Nonmember $350 $400 
Technician Member $370 $575   
Technician Nonmember $440  $645
One-Day Member $350 $400  
One-Day Nonmember $400 $450   
Spouse/Guest** $250 $250  

*New Practitioners are pharmacists within five years of graduation from pharmacy school.
**Spouse/Guest category does not include continuing education credit.
All in-person registrations include (1) Opening Reception and (1) Closing Reception ticket.
Additional tickets for non-registered guests are $50.


Confirmation and Badges

Registration confirmations are sent via email within two business days of receipt of your registration. Review your confirmation thoroughly to ensure your registration includes everything you are expecting. For in-person attendees, badges and tickets are not sent in advance; they are distributed onsite. Virtual attendees will log in to the APhA2022 website and create a profile that will act as your virtual badge. This login will be made available at a later date.

Changes and Corrections

To make changes or corrections to your registration, click on the appropriate link in the confirmation email. Changes and corrections may also be submitted to Customer Service through Monday, March 14, 2022. Changes and corrections required after this date must be made on site.


All registration cancellations must be made in writing to Customer Service. No refunds are made for cancellations received after February 18, 2022. Ticketed event fees are non-refundable except when an event is cancelled by APhA.

Ticketed Events – In-person attendees only

Registration is open for most ticketed events.  Advanced Training Programs have a separate registration fee and do NOT require Annual Meeting registration. Other additional offerings require Annual Meeting registration. These fees are non-refundable except when an event is cancelled by APhA. 

Spouse/Guest Registration-In-person attendees only

The Spouse/Guest registration category is for non-pharmacist spouses or guests who wish to visit the Exposition and attend the Opening Reception and Closing Reception. Continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credits are NOT awarded to spouse/guest registrants.

International Attendees- In-person attendees only

The U.S. Department of State is the official United States visa information source with information about visa requirements, U.S. embassy and consulate locations worldwide, and wait times for visa interview appointments/processing. Travelers are advised to apply for visas well in advance of intended travel dates. Although APhA may not provide official travel endorsement, a Letter of Invitation is available by emailing [email protected]

Children- In-person attendees only

Children under the age of 18 are not permitted in the exhibit hall or educational sessions at any time due to insurance liability issues. This includes children in strollers and carriers.



◆ 下次会议:2023年美国药剂师协会年会(APhA2023)



Phoenix, AZ
March 24-27, 2023

Orlando, FL
March 22-25, 2024

Nashville, TN
March 21-24, 2025

Los Angeles, CA
March 27-30, 2026


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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