2021世界微生物论坛-World Microbe Forum
会议地点: 虚拟会议
会议时间: 2021年6月20-24日
行业: 生物|检验|病理|感染|免疫|公共卫生会议
2021世界微生物论坛-World Microbe Forum将于2021年6月20日至24日以网络在线形式举行。世界微生物论坛是美国微生物学会(ASM)和欧洲微生物学会联合会(FEMS)共同发起了一项新的合作,ASM和FEMS将在一个数字平台下汇集微生物科学界两个最大的会议,即ASM Microbe 2021和FEMS2021,议题将宣涵盖前沿的、跨学科的微生物科学研究,进一步推动微生物科学的发展,帮助解答当今影响人类的一些最重要的问题;其他科学团体,包括美国病毒学学会(ASV)和非洲检验医学会将是本次活动的重要合作伙伴。世界微生物论坛将包括来自来自国际顶尖专家的会议,讨论世界上最紧迫的挑战性话题,从新的传染性病原体(如SARS-CoV-2)到抗菌素耐药性,微生物在气候变化中的作用,农业和食品微生物学,再到合成和应用微生物学,微生物学领域最热门的话题将得到前所未有的审查和讨论。
Despite physical distancing resulting from the pandemic, microbial scientists will convene digitally for a unique gathering covering cutting-edge, interdisciplinary microbial sciences research.
Recognizing that microbial sciences, just like microbes, know no borders, the American Society of Microbiology (ASM) and the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) have come together to launch a new initiative -- the World Microbe Forum, taking place online from 20-24 June 2021.
ASM and FEMS will bring together two of the biggest meetings in the microbial sciences, ASM Microbe 2021 and FEMS2021, under one digital platform to further science and help answer some of the most important questions impacting humankind today. Additional scientific societies, including the American Society for Virology (ASV) and the African Society for Laboratory Medicine will be key partners in this event.
This one-of-a-kind meeting will:
Unite the microbial sciences community worldwide to share cutting-edge science. This meeting will bring active researchers, industry professionals, undergraduate, postgraduate students, educators, and leaders in a digital forum on a global stage, like never before. This is an opportunity to showcase how microbial sciences are essential to the health and wellbeing of humankind. In addition, satellite events and sessions will extend the conversation to policy makers and members of the public.
Live-stream close to your time zone. Because of programming happening across the globe, attendees can access hundreds of sessions and activities close to their time zone, with single registration. The cutting-edge scientific program will increase the microbial sciences footprint significantly. In addition, recorded sessions which will be available after the meeting, allowing attendees to catch up or review content they missed.
Lower barriers of entry that level the playing field. The virtual format, including both live and recorded access to events and sessions, overrides the constraints of time and space typical of physical meetings. The virtual event allows easier access, supporting equity and inclusion.
Provide more content in your research area and related fields. With fewer constraints of time and space, it will be possible to have more programming in specific areas of microbiology, increasing the opportunity for everyone to find rich content in their sub-field. This also allows more high-profile speakers, more opportunities for trainees to present, and more joint sessions covering new and emerging topics.
Allow for meaningful connections with peers. The versatile and innovative digital platform will allow for informal digital breakout rooms and casual interactions among participants.
From new infectious pathogens like SARS-CoV-2, to antimicrobial resistance, the role of microbes in climate change, agriculture and food microbiology, to synthetic and applied microbiology - international experts will gather in this one-of-a-kind, special event to examine, discuss and envision solutions that science can offer to solve some of the gravest concerns confronting us today. This conference offers attendees unparalleled access to the latest innovative research across global perspectives. The conference organizers are also excited to offer an advocacy and policy platform to communicate the relevance of microbial sciences to decision makers and the general public.
Additional details and information regarding abstract submission, registration and more will be available in early January 2021.
All session video-recordings will be available live and on-demand so they can be viewed at your convenience from any place at any time.
Important Dates-重要日期
General Abstract Submission Opens
January 11, 2021
Abstract Awards/Grants Requests Opens
January 11, 2021
General Abstract Submission Closes
March 18, 2021, 6 p.m. EST/ 12 a.m. CET
Abstract Awards/Grants Requests Closes
March 18, 2021, 6 p.m. EST/ 12 a.m. CET
Abstract and Awards/Grants Dispositions Sent
Mid-April 2021
Regular Abstract Registration Deadline
April 30, 2021
Late Breaking Abstract Submission Opens
April 23, 2021
Late Breaking Abstract Submission Closes
May 7, 2021
Late Breaking Abstract Submission Dispositions Sent
May 21, 2021
Abstract Withdrawal Deadline
June 1, 2021
Registration Rates
Registration Type |
Early Registration Mid-April – 11 May |
Regular Registration 12 May – 15 June |
Late Registration 16 June – 30 June |
Member | $250.00 USD | $325.00 USD | $400.00 USD |
Non Member | $500.00 USD | $575.00 USD | $650.00 USD |
Student Member | $125.00 USD | $200.00 USD | $275.00 USD |
Student Non Member | $250.00 USD | $325.00 USD | $400.00 USD |
Member Rates
Membership status in one of the following organizations must be active at the time of registering to receive the member rates.
Please note: ASM Supporting Members do not qualify for the ASM Member rate. Upgrade your membership to receive the ASM Member rate, or register as a non-member.
- American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
- Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS)
- African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM)
- American Society for Virology (ASV)
- Microbiological Society of Korea (MSK)
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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2022年国际组织工程与再生医学学会美洲年会(TERMIS-AM 2022)