


会议地点: 美国 奥兰多(Orlando, FL) + VIRTUAL
会议时间: 2021年10月6日至9日
行业: 生物|检验|病理|感染|免疫|公共卫生会议




2021 Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting

DATE: October 6-9, 2021

VENUE: Orlando, FL


Deadline to submit an abstract: Thursday, May 13, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. ET
Deadline to submit an award nomination: Wednesday, June 30, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. ET
Author notification of acceptance: Thursday, July 29, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. ET
Special Session submission open: Thursday, July 1, 2021, at 12:00 p.m. ET
Meet the Faculty Candidate Forum submission open: Tuesday, July 13, 2021, at 12:00 p.m. ET
Deadline to submit a Special Session submission: Wednesday, July 14, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. ET
Summer REU abstract submission open: Wednesday, July 14, 2021, at 12:00 p.m. ET
Deadline to submit an REU abstract: Wednesday, July 28, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. ET
Late-Breaking abstract submission open: Wednesday, July 14, 2021, at 12:00 p.m. ET
Deadline to submit a Late-Breaking abstract: Wednesday, July 28, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. ET
Deadline for submission for Meet the Faculty Candidate Forum: Tuesday, August 10, at 11:59 p.m. ET


A message from our Co-chair

As co-chairs of the 2021 BMES Annual Meeting, we want to welcome you to the new and improved #BMES2021 experience! Mark your calendars for October 6-9, 2021, so you can join us in Orlando, FL — in-person or virtually. We have so much in store for you to get excited about, but it all starts with science. That's why we want our members, the best and brightest in the BME field, to shine at our annual meeting. To do so, we want you to submit your best work for the opportunity to be featured this year amongst a community of peers also looking to find innovative ways to make healthcare magical.

The most significant change you will notice is the new abstract system we implemented to give you a more user-friendly experience. To help you put your best foot forward, we provided comprehensive instructions on the abstract submission site. Please take some time to read everything thoroughly to ensure your submission is not eliminated from consideration.

Please note that due to health and safety concerns and the need for social distancing, the total number of accepted abstracts for in-person presentation will be lower compared to previous years making this year highly competitive. 

We want you to join us in celebrating the leadership and accomplishments of those who have made the most significant impact in our community. If you know a colleague who is making a difference, nominate them for a BMES award today! We are also accepting nominations for BMES Fellows.

Another exciting piece of news for this year that we've been waiting to share with you is the addition of two new tracks — "Global Health Technologies" and "Women's Health." These tracks will open pathways for innovative research to further advance biomedicine. We hope you're just as excited as we are. 
Whether you plan to join us in-person or virtually, this will be the year you don't want to miss! #BMES2021

Stay tuned for more – you never know what magic we’ll conjure up next!

Shelly Peyton
Meeting Co-Chair
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Manu Platt
Meeting Co-Chair
Georgia Institute of Technology




  Professional Member/Fellow $500 $300
  Early Career Member $395 $175
  Student Member $315 $175
  Non-Member $965 $500
  Student Non-Member $440 $200


Due to capacity limitations resulting from health and safety precautions, all conference registrations are final, non-refundable, and non-transferrable. Likewise, membership due payments are also final and cannot be refunded once processed.

Registration fees, payable to BMES in USD, can be paid via Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover. We CANNOT accept checks, international checks, wire transfers, ACH, or EFT payments.


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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