会议地点: 法国 波尔多
会议时间: 2022年9月4-8日
行业: 生物|检验|病理|感染|免疫|公共卫生会议
ESB 2022 - 32nd Annual Conference of the European Society of Biomaterials
DATE: 4-8 September 2022
VENUE: The Palais 2 L’Atlantique, Bordeaux - France
Important deadlines - ESB Abstract Submission
The abstract submission deadline will be Monday, February 28, 2022 (23:59 CET).
Author notifications will be sent at the end of May 2022.
Registration deadline for selected abstract presenters: June 15, 2022.
All abstracts without registration of the presenting author as of June 15, 2022 have to be deleted and cannot be considered for the program planning.
Call for last minute abstracts (poster presentation only): May 15, 2022.
Acceptance for late Posters will be sent at the beginning of June.
Submission guidelines
Please note the general rules for abstract submission
- Each participant may upload up to 3 abstracts.
- Papers can be submitted for either oral presentation or poster presentation.
- The presenting author should present the communication on-site.
- Only abstracts from registered delegates who paid the registration fees in full will be considered for program planning and published in the abstract book.
- Every abstract has to be assigned to one of the sub-topics of the conference – which are the terms written with a number in the list at the end of this page. To ensure allocation to suitable reviewers please select a main topic that characterizes the content of the abstract. Additionally, please submit 4 alternative topics (helpful for program planning) as well as 3 keywords (used for keyword index and online program).
- Together with your abstract submission, you may apply for the Best Student Awards given to outstanding oral and poster contributions, submitted and presented by young scientists who have not yet completed their PhD (see Educations Awards on https://www.esbiomaterials.eu).
Abstracts should be formatted as follows
- Your submission has to be written in English.
- Your abstract may not contain more than 5000 characters (including spaces) for blind or non-blinded abstracts and does not exceed the two columns on one single page (10 Mo maximum and in pdf. format).
- You can upload up to 2 figures/images/tables to your abstract.
- You have to select a main topic to your abstract which best characterizes the content of the abstract (to be used for allocation of abstracts for reviewers). Additionally, you may select up to 4 other alternative topics..
- The abstract should state the purpose, methods and results of the study.
- You have to define 3 key words that will be used for search purposes in the abstract book and online program.
- Please ensure complete listing and correct order of all (co-)authors, correct formatting and grammar. Accepted abstracts will be printed and published as they have been submitted. After the submission deadline, changes will not be possible anymore.
All papers will be evaluated with regard to their suitability for the conference, originality, and technical soundness by external reviewers. The Scientific Advisory Committee and the National Organizing Committee reserve the right to propose oral-presentation papers to poster presentation and vice versa, to obtain the most suitable presentation format.
Registration rule for all accepted papers
Please note that each accepted paper shall be accompanied by at least the full conference registration of the presenting author. In case of no registration and payment of the presenting author, the paper will be deleted from the abstract book afterwards.
Dear Friends, Dear Colleagues
It is our pleasure to invite you to the 32nd Annual Conference of the European Society of Biomaterials which will take place from September 4 to 8, 2022 in Bordeaux, France. We are excited to host this meeting which is sure to be an extremely popular event.
One of the key missions of this conference is to promote interactions between basic researchers, applied scientists, clinicians, and industry in order to drive the development of innovative solutions for clinical applications. lingyuint. We keenly understand that the new solutions to repair or produce tissues or organs will come from the combination of fundamental knowledge, multidisciplinary development efforts, as well as advances in production /analytic / imaging / communication tools. Accordingly, your participation to this meeting is crucial to promote the translation of our scientific activity into clinical reality.
The conference will take place at Palais 2 L’Atlantique, located in northern Bordeaux and connected to the historic city center by a state-of-the-art tramway system. Boasting exceptional classical and modern architecture, and surrounded by the most famous vineyards in the world, Bordeaux is a perfect symbol of the French “Art of Living”.
Please come and join us at the ESB2022 meeting to share your ideas, discover our hospitality, the French cuisine and the Bordeaux wines!
On behalf of the national organizing committee,
Joëlle Amédée,
Jean Christophe Fricain,
Didier Letourneur
ESB 2022 注册费:
Information concerning YSF workshops, bookable during the registration process, will be added later at the webpage.
Early bird until 31 May 2022 (extended) |
Late Fee As of 1 June 2022 |
On-site registration As of 1 September 2022 | |
Regular full congress registration |
€ 680,00 |
€ 800,00 |
€ 900,00 |
Student full congress registration** |
€ 390,00 |
€ 500,00 |
€ 600,00 |
One-day registration | |||
One-day registration Sunday, September 4 |
€ 250,00 | ||
One-day registration, Monday September 5 |
€ 390,00 | ||
One-day registration, Tuesday September 6 |
€ 390,00 | ||
One-day registration, Wednesday, September 7 |
€ 390,00 | ||
One-day registration, Thursday September 8 |
€ 250,00 |
*** Upon registration, you will become a member of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) until March 31, 2023. For more information about the European Society for Biomaterials, please visit www.esbiomaterials.eu.
Optional services
- Welcome reception Sunday, September 4 – congress participant - Free
- Welcome reception Sunday, September 4 – accompanying person - € 25,00
- Conference Dinner Wednesday, September 7 – congress participant - € 100,00
- Conference Dinner Wednesday, September 7 – accompanying person - € 115,00
- Young Scientist Forum Night Out, Tuesday, September 6 ** - € 20,00
Useful information about registration
Conference registration fees include for Student and Full Conference only (from Sunday 4th to Thursday 8th):
- Admission to scientific program with oral and poster presentation
- Admission to exhibition
- Access to abstracts in electronic form
- Coffee breaks
- The welcome reception on Sunday, September 4th.
- Lunches (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday).
One-day registration:
- Admission to scientific program with oral and poster presentation
- Admission to exhibition
- Access to abstracts in electronic form
- Coffee breaks (Only on the afternoon if chosen day is Sunday 4th. Only on the morning if chosen day is Thursday 8th)
- Lunch(s) of the day(s) chosen (Lunch box if chosen day is Thursday 8th)
- The Welcome reception if chosen day is Sunday 4th
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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