
2023年第15届国际胃癌大会(IGCC 2023)


会议地点: 日本 横滨
会议时间: 2023年6月14日至17日
行业: 肿瘤科会议


2023年第15届国际胃癌大会(IGCC 2023)将于2023年6月14日至17日在日本横滨举行。IGCC是国际胃癌协会 (IGCA)主办的两年一届的全球性会议,会议主题涵盖胃癌的基础和转化研究、预防、诊断(含早诊和筛查)、治疗、康复等各个方面。IGCC(国际胃癌大会)将为与会者提供一个机会,不仅可以分享宣关于不断发展的胃癌治疗领域的最新见解,还可以为即将实现胃癌的完全治愈、微创个性化治疗奠定基础。同时,还计划在IGCC2023期间举办上消化道峰会-胃食管结合部(EGJ)肿瘤共识会议,本次会议将汇集来自世界各地的 EGJ肿瘤专家,展示他们的见解立场,同时探讨关于外科、内科肿瘤学和内窥镜检查等临床问题的最新观点,以期在2023年达成共识。


IGCC 2023 - The 15th International Gastric Cancer Congress

June 14(Wed) – 17(Sat), 2023

PACIFICO Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan

Organied by:
International Gastric Cancer Association (IGCA)

Congress President: 
Prof. Yuko Kitagawa (Department of Surgery, Keio University School of Medicine)



The 15th International Gastric Cancer Congress will be held in June 2023. We are extremely honored to have the privilege of organizing the 15th meeting of this hallowed congress.

Treatment for gastric cancer has been dramatically transformed in recent years by the evolution of minimally invasive approaches and drug therapy. Minimally invasive personalized care will likely soon be within our reach through the advancement of various treatment modalities such as combination of endoscopic therapy—whose range of application to early cancers is gradually expanding—with sentinel lymph node biopsy. The successful performance of Japan’s first laparoscopic gastrectomy in 1991 helped to solidify the foundation for minimally invasive surgery in early cancer treatment, and the role of this approach has since then expanded to include advanced cancer therapy. Also, robot-assisted surgery has been a powerful tailwind for the application of minimally invasive surgery to advanced cancer, and the year 2023 promises to bring further diversification of surgical robots. IGCC 2023 will provide us with the opportunity to not only share the latest insights on the ever-evolving world of gastric cancer care, but also lay the groundwork for the forthcoming realization of completely curative, minimally invasive personalized treatment of gastric cancer.

We also plan to hold the Upper GI Summit – EGJ Cancer Consensus Conference during IGCC 2023. While advances in multimodal therapy have helped to increase successful outcomes for esophago-gastric junctional cancer, the strategies for that approach have become increasingly diverse, and the views of what constitutes the optimal strategy vary among countries and institutions. This conference will bring together EGJ cancer experts from around the world to present their positions while exploring the latest opinions on clinical questions in surgery, medical oncology, and endoscopy, with the aim of working toward a consensus for the year 2023.

I sincerely look forward to seeing you in Japan in 2023.


Congress President
Yuko Kitagawa
Department of Surgery, Keio University School of Medicine



IGCC 2023 注册费:



会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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