2022年第29届国际器官移植学会国际会议(TTS 2022)
会议地点: 阿根廷 布宜诺斯艾利斯/Buenos Aires
会议时间: 2022年9月10日至14日
行业: 遗传|移植|血液学会议
2022年第29届国际器官移植协会国际会议(TTS 2022)将于2022年9月10日至14日在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯 举行,本次会议由国际器官移植学会(TTS)、阿根廷移植学会(SAT)、拉丁美洲和加勒比海移植学会(STALYC)联合举办。
TTS 2022 - 29th International Congress of The Transplantation Society
Date: September 10-14, 2022
Venue: Buenos Aires Convention Center (CEC), Buenos Aires, Argentina
摘要征集-Call for Abstracts:
Submission deadline: March 15, 2022.
Notification of acceptance: May 27, 2022.
Registration Deadline for Abstract Presenters: June 10, 2022
- Registration: presenters must be registered and have paid the registration fee by June 10, 2022; otherwise the abstract will be removed from the program.
- ONLY accepted abstracts by a presenter registered to attend the Congress will be published in an online supplement of the Transplantation Journal.
- It is the submitter responsibility to ensure that all co-authors approve of the abstract submission, publication, and potential presentation at TTS 2022
Abstract Guidelines
All abstracts must be submitted electronically through the Congress management system.
- Abstracts should be submitted only in English and there is no fee for submission.
- The abstract text body is limited to 3,000 characters including spaces (about 400 words or more, depending on spacing). A maximum of two figures (in JPG, GIF or PNG with ideally 600 dpi) can be included. These will not count toward the word limit, nor will the information about authors, institutions and study groups. File size of 2 MB maximum for each figure. Make sure you submit your figure with no surrounding white space and the text is readable.
- By submitting an abstract to TTS 2022, the submitter consent to having the abstract, if accepted, published in the online supplement of the Transplantation Journal as well as in the Congress website.
- Only registered presenters will have their accepted abstracts published
- It is the submitter responsibility to ensure that all co-authors approve of the abstract submission, publication, and potential presentation at TTS 2022.
- Presenters from employees of commercial interests, selected for an oral or a poster presentation, may be required to submit additional information, including the presentation slides. Presenting content featuring clinical recommendations aligned to the business interests and/or products of the employer is strictly prohibited.
Abstract Structure
Abstracts must be comprised of four distinct sections:
- Introduction: Describes previous research and the rationale for the current study
- Method: Describes how the study was conducted
- Results: Describes the results of the study
- Conclusion: Summarize the study and discusses its implications
Resubmission Policy
TTS 2022 welcomes the submission of abstracts previously presented at national, regional or international meetings in the two years preceding the congress. Encores must be documented as such at the time of submission. To be accepted, the abstract must include significant additional data from the previous presentation/s. Submission will not be permitted if a manuscript has been published
Rule of Two
Authors may submit an unlimited number of abstracts, however, should he or she have more than two abstracts accepted for Oral, Mini-Oral and/or Campfire presentations, a co-author must be designated to present the additional accepted abstracts. All presenting authors must pre-register and attend the Congress.
会议对象: 移植外科医生,对移植感兴趣的各个领域的医生,协调员、护士、营养师,对移植感兴趣的普通外科医生和临床医生•移植科学家,营养和康复专家,移植药剂师,以及其他对移植感兴趣的相关专业人士等等。
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