2022年第55届欧洲人类遗传学大会(ESHG 2022)
会议地点: 奥地利 维也纳
会议时间: 2022年6月11日至14日
行业: 遗传|移植|血液学会议
2022年第55届欧洲人类遗传学大会(ESHG 2022)将于2022年6月11日至14日在奥地利维也纳举行,会议由欧洲人类遗传学协会(ESHG)主办。欧洲人类遗传学年会(ESHG年会)是人类遗传学领域最重要的活动之一,每年都有超过3000名代表参加,以及250多场口头报告、18个研讨会和12个教育会议以及关于遗传学心理社会方面的讲座。领域国际医学会议网。ESHG会议是讨论人类遗传学最新发展以及人类遗传学各个领域专业人士会面交流的平台。
ESHG 2022 - 55th annual European Human Genetics Conference
Date: June 11–14, 2022
Venue: Austria Center Vienna (ACV), Vienna, Austria
The final deadline for abstract submission is Friday, February 11, 2022, 24.00 hrs CET.
Notifications about the outcome of the abstract assessment will be sent to all presenting authors by March 25, 2022.
The enormous achievements in the field of Human Genetics during the last years are changing not only our understanding of genetics of diseases but also our research approaches and daily work in the clinic. Due to the new developments and insights traditional borders between clinical genetics, cytogenetics and molecular genetics as well as between research into monogenic and complex disorders are vanishing. Therefore the Scientific Programme Committee of the European Society of Human Genetics decided to reflect these changes in its abstract submission categories.
Where does my abstract fit?
The disease categories (1-11 as well as 13) are meant to cover all aspects of the specific disorders indicated, i. e. clinically, cytogenetically and molecularly, ranging from basic research to diagnosis and treatment.
Abstracts related to complex syndromes and cytogenetic disorders with multiple symptoms may be submitted in topic 12 (multiple malformation/anomalies syndromes).
Topic 14 is meant for abstracts discussing genomic variation and genome structure not necessarily related to a specific phenotype (e. g. splicing mechanisms, origin of ring chromosomes etc.), whereas topic 15 is meant for abstracts related to chromosome studies.
Topic 16 shall draw attention to brand new concepts or new genomic technologies and the evaluation of their potential.
Topic 17 is dedicated to general aspects of technical approaches and quality control in genetic diagnostics and research.
Topic 18 is dedicated to abstracts related to bioinformatics, machine learning and statistical approaches in genomics.
Topic 19 is meant for abstracts studying the role of genomics to personalize medicine, including but not limited to the application of pharmacogenomics.
Topic 20 is meant for abstracts in genetic epidemiology, population genetics and evolutionary genetics.
Topic 21 is for abstracts dedicated to epigenetic studies and functional genomic studies.
Topic 22 is for abstracts related to novel therapeutic opportunities for genetic disorders.
Topics 23 and 24 are reserved for previous EMPAG topics. ELPAG is now an integral and yearly part of the programme, and covers general issues of genetic counselling, education and public services, psychological, ethical and legal issues.
Topic 25 is dedicated to abstracts presenting the genetics of complex diseases and traits, GWAS results and approaches.
Topic 26 is for abstracts dedicated to molecular evolution, population genetics and/or phenotype-associated with the sars-cov-2 pathogen.
We hope that these categories will enhance the communication between researchers using different approaches to investigate the respective phenotypic groups and facilitate the selection of workshops by attendees according to their field of interest.
01. Reproductive Genetics
02. Prenatal Genetics
03. Sensory Disorders (Eye, Ear, Pain)
04. Internal Organs & Endocrinology (Lung, Kidney, Liver, Gastrointestinal)
05. Skeletal, Connective Tissue, Ectodermal and Skin Disorders
06. Cardiovascular Disorders
07. Metabolic and Mitochondrial Disorders
08. Immunology and Hematopoietic System
09. Intellectual Disability
10. Neurogenetic and Psychiatric Disorders
11. Neuromuscular Disorders
12. Multiple Malformation/Anomalies Syndromes
13. Cancer Genetics
14. Genome Variation and Architecture
15. Cytogenetics
16. New Technologies and Approaches
17. Diagnostic Improvements and Quality Control
18. Bioinformatics, Machine Learning and Statistical Methods
19. Personalized Medicine and Pharmacogenomics
20. Population Genetics and Evolutionary Genetics
21. Functional Genomics and Epigenomics
22. New Treatments for Genetic Disorders
23. Genetic Counselling/Services/Education
24. Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial Aspects in Genetics
25. GWAS
26. COVID-19
Dear Friends,
I am honored to invite you to the 55th annual European Human Genetics Conference that will be organized in Vienna, Austria from Saturday June 11 to Tuesday June 14, 2022. I am privileged to be your host in this wonderful city. We all very much look forward to a face-to-face meeting after two consecutive conferences held only in a virtual mode. We will resume the habit of discussing science personally, during regular conference sessions as well as in spontaneous private meetings organized to plan scientific projects and collaborations. Personal contacts are of paramount importance for the growth of science, as well as to cultivate friendship and empathy between scientists. Young investigators will benefit from these interactions and from addressing a real audience. Participation of young geneticists is vital for our Society, not only for the growth of the discipline, but also for the enthusiasm and passion they demonstrate and convey when they give presentations, address queries about their posters, and during informal discussions.
The ESHG Conference has two main scopes: to provide a platform for the dissemination of the most exciting advancements in the field of human genetics and to foster the education of the upcoming generation of human geneticists. Plenary, concurrent, and educational sessions, concurrent symposia, workshops, and poster viewing fill in an exciting program. The Scientific Program Committee (SPC) defines the topics, with the goal to update the audience on emerging concepts, mechanisms, and technologies in human genetics, providing at the same time a broad view on the progress made in the different areas of our discipline. Invited talks are given by world class speakers and best abstracts, many of which submitted by young doctors and scientists, are selected by the SPC for oral presentations. The meeting in Vienna will also allow to make direct contacts between scientists and exhibitors, who will present their new product portfolio, with practical demonstrations, to help you in your clinical or experimental work.
Also, our meeting has become renown for the networking evening, a traditional event where generations intermix and where you can talk to friends – why not, also of science? – in a relaxed atmosphere.
In addition, to a high-quality scientific program, we are confident that also the location of Vienna in the heart of Europe and its many attractions, including historical medical sites and museums, will facilitate a broad participation to the meeting. Last but not least, 2022 will be the year of Gregor Mendel’s birth bicentennial. Brno and other sites in Czechia, linked to Mendel’s life are very close to Vienna. Therefore, those who have time, can take the opportunity to extend their stay to visit these places and learn more about the scientist who is considered the “father of genetics”.
In summary, especially after two years of restrictions, the ESHG meeting is the place to be for those who work in the field of human genetics and for the many followers that this discipline has attracted among clinical and life scientists.
We hope to see you numerous in Vienna!
Maurizio Genuardi
European Society of Human Genetics
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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