会议地点: 美国 圣安东尼奥/San Antonio, TX - Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
会议时间: 2023年12月5日至9日
行业: 肿瘤科会议
Symposium Objective
This Symposium is designed to provide state-of-the-art information on the experimental biology, etiology, prevention, diagnosis, and therapy of breast cancer and premalignant breast disease, to an international audience of academic and private physicians and researchers.
Scientific Program
The scientific program consists of plenary lectures and mini-symposia by experts in clinical and basic research; selected slide and poster presentations chosen from the submitted abstracts; educational sessions, workshops, award lectures, panel and case discussions and forums. General sessions are approximately 2 hours in duration and are the vehicle for slide presentations, which are allotted 10 minutes each followed by 5 minutes of discussion. Poster sessions are 1 1/2 to 2 hours long. The official language of the symposium is English. Simultaneous translation is not provided.
Target Audience
This international symposium is directed primarily towards academic and private physicians and researchers involved in breast cancer in medical, surgical, gynecologic, and radiation oncology, as well as patient advocates and other appropriate health care professionals.
摘要提交-Call for Abstracts
摘要提交截止日期-Abstract Submission deadline:July 9, 2021, 5:00 pm, Central Time, US
摘要提交费-Submission Fee:
- Include a payment of $50.00 for each abstract submitted.
- A credit card payment is required.
- The abstract fee is not refundable.
- Abstracts are due by July 9 at 11:59 pm Central Time US.
- The submitting author may log back into the submission site and update the abstract for no fee until the submission deadline, August 31, 2021.
- The deadline for SABCS 2021 abstract content and author revisions is July 9, 2021. Abstract content or author revision requests received after this date will not be made. The deadline for minor revisions such as spelling and minor corrections is August 31, 2021. Minor revisions will include:
Spelling errors in body, author's name, words in tables and titles
Disclosure changes
Change and/or reorder presenting author - NOTE: You will be charged $25 for each revision.
Send change requests to [email protected] you must include your abstract file number with your request.
提交-Submission:- Abstracts must be submitted online.
- When finished with your online submission, be sure to submit payment. Click the "Submit" button. Abstracts received without a properly completed Disclosure Declaration will not be considered. The size limit for the abstract (including title, body, and tables) is 3400 characters - this does not include spaces. Please see the submissions website for specific details regarding tables.
- Any author who cannot present on a particular day of the week must provide that information upon submission. No rescheduling will be possible after July 9, 2021.
- Abstracts are due by July 9 at 11:59 pm Central Time US.
The subject categories for abstract submission are listed below. You must select the most appropriate category for your abstract and insert its corresponding number in the box on the abstract form. Please be aware that the Symposium Abstract Review Committee may re-categorize your abstract if doing so is deemed appropriate.
Subject Categories List
Axillary Nodes
101. Axillary Staging and Sentinel Nodes
102. Diagnostic Pathology
103. Biopsy Techniques
104. Circulating Biomarkers and ctDNA
105. Circulating Tumor Cells
Imaging and Screening
107. Breast Imaging - Mammography etc.
110. Molecular, Functional, and Novel Imaging
111. Radiology - Tumor Monitoring
112. Screening
113. Detection/Diagnosis - Other
202. Animal Models
203. Ex vivo Models
205. Cell Cycle Regulation
206. Cellular Mechanisms
207. DNA Damage and Repair
208. Drug Resistance
209. Endocrine Therapy and Resistance
210. Epigenetics
211. Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition
212. Etiology/Carcinogenesis
213. Gene Therapy
214. Genetics - Germline Changes
215. Genetics - Somatic Changes
216. Genomics
217. Growth Factors
218. Hormonal Factors and Receptors
219. Immunology and Preclinical Immunotherapy
220. Mammary Development and Differentiation
221. Metabolism and Breast Cancer
222. Microenvironment; Stromal - Epithelial Interactions
223. MicroRNAs and Other Non-coding RNAs
224. Molecular Profiles
225. New Drugs and Mechanisms
226. Novel/Emerging Therapeutic Targets
227. Oncogenes/Tumor Suppressor Genes
228. Signaling Pathways
229. Stem/Progenitor Cells
231. Telomeres/Telomerase
232. Tumor Heterogeneity/Molecular Subclassification
233. Tumor Progression, Invasion, and Metastasis
234. Virology
235. Tumor Cell and Molecular Biology - Other
Biomarkers Predicting Treatment Response
301. Predictive Biomarkers for Chemotherapies
302. Predictive Biomarkers for Endocrine Therapies
303. Predictive Biomarkers for Targeted Therapies
304. Predictive Biomarkers for Combined Modality Therapies
305. Predictive Biomarkers – Other
Prognosis – Biomarkers of Natural History
306. Prognostic Factors - Clinical Testing and Validation
307. Prognostic Factors - Index Scores
308. Prognostic Factors - Other
401. Epidemiology - Population Studies
402. Epidemiology - Genetic and Molecular
403. Ethnic/Racial Aspects
404. Familial Breast Cancer; Genetic Testing
406. Prevention - Behavioral Interventions
407. Prevention - Nutritional Studies
408. Prevention - Clinical Trials
409. Prevention - Preclinical Studies and Model Systems
410. Risk Factors and Modeling
411. Epidemiology, Risk, and Prevention - Other
Social and Education Issues
501. Advocacy
502. Cost-Effectiveness
503. Disparities and Barriers to Care
504. Doctor-Patient Communication
505. Education
Quality of Life Issues
506. Palliation and Pain Management
507. Psychosocial Aspects
508. Quality of Life - Supportive Care
509. Survivorship Research
510. Psychosocial, QOL, and Educational Aspects - Other
Adjuvant Therapy
601. Adjuvant Chemotherapy
602. Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy
603. Adjuvant Therapy - Targeted
604. Adjuvant Therapy - Other
Advanced Disease Treatment
605. Advanced Chemotherapy
606. Advanced Endocrine Therapy
607. Advanced Therapy - Targeted
608. Advanced Therapy - Other
Surgery and Radiotherapy
609. Breast Conservation
610. Radiotherapy
611. Surgery
612. Reconstruction
Therapeutic Strategies
613. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
614. Neoadjuvant Endocrine Therapy
616. Antiangiogenic Therapy (Adjuvant and Metastatic)
619. HER2-Targeted Therapy
620. Immunotherapy (Clinical)
621. New Drugs and Treatment Strategies
622. Novel Targets and Targeted Agents
623. Signal Transduction Inhibitors
624. Toxicities - Management
Types and Sites of Breast Cancer
625. Bone Metastases
626. Brain Metastases
628. Male Breast Cancer
629. Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Research Resources
630. Patient Resources
631. Tissue and Data Banks
632. Clinical Trials Design and Management
633. Treatment - Other
701. Ongoing Clinical Trials (see rules below)
This category is for work that is ongoing. It is to inform and inspire, and/or to invite the collaboration of others. It is to not to discuss the trial results, either preliminary or formally completed - presentations with this type of information should be submitted as regular abstracts.
Trials with any type of focus may be submitted (treatment, prevention, biomarker endpoints, supportive care, educational, and psychosocial endpoints).
What should be presented in the abstract and eventually in the poster is:
- A brief background discussion
- Trial design
- Eligibility criteria
- Specific aims
- Statistical methods
- Present accrual and target accrual
- Contact information for people with a specific interest in the trial
Again, inclusion of preliminary or final trial results will disqualify an abstract in this category and is not allowed on the poster, though information on accrual to date or confirmation of feasibility is acceptable. Poster presentations in the Ongoing Clinical Trials category are not subject to SABCS pre-publication and embargo policies.
SABCS2021-注册费-Registration Categories and Fees:
Category |
ONSITE Discounted Price ends 10/31/2021 |
ONSITE Full Price beginning 11/1/2021 |
VIRTUAL Discounted Price ends 10/31/2021 |
VIRTUAL Full Price beginning 11/1/2021 |
Regular Registration |
$720.00 |
$875.00 |
$540.00 |
$720.00 |
AACR Member Registration |
$612.00 |
$740.00 |
$459.00 |
$612.00 |
UT Health San Antonio Faculty & Staff (valid ID required with registration) |
$306.00 |
$370.00 |
$230.00 |
$306.00 |
Resident or Postdoctoral Fellow (valid ID or letter of appointment) |
$180.00 |
$225.00 |
$135.00 |
$180.00 |
Patient Advocate * |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Student (valid ID required with registration) |
$75.00 |
$100.00 |
$56.00 |
$75.00 |
* The patient advocate registration category is reserved exclusively for patient advocates and is not intended for medical professionals. Individuals interested in registering under this category either work or volunteer for national not-for-profit patient advocacy organizations that demonstrate a charitable mission, engage in patient advocacy activities, provide support for people with cancer, have a nonprofessional membership, do not offer CME or scientific programs for professionals and do not have an AACR Active or Associate Membership. Individuals registered under this category are not eligible to receive continuing education credit for their attendance.
NOTE: The deadline for the discounted registration fee is October 31, 2021. In order to receive the discount fee, you must be registered andpaidby October 31, 2021 11:59 CDT.
注册费包括-Registration fees include:
- Admission to all sessions
- Complimentary continental breakfast Wednesday – Friday (onsite only)
- Complimentary beverages Tuesday - Friday (onsite only)
- Exclusive to attendees only (until March 2022) access to SABCS online resources:
SABCS Sessions on Demand - Opportunity for early 2022 SABCS housing
National Provider Identifier (NPI) (for USA MDs only): The 2010 Federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) requires most of our exhibitors to log encounters in their exhibit booth with US physicians by collecting each NPI. In order to assist our exhibitors in this task SABCS will incorporate the number in the bar code on each US provider’s Symposium badge.
Please note that the NPI is required in order for USA MDs to complete their Symposium registration, whether registering as an individual or part of a group registration
- Discounted pre-registration ends October 31. You must be registered and paid by October 31 to receive the discounted registration rate. If you have not paid by October 31, your registration fee will be changed to the non-discounted rate.
- Pre-registration ends November 17
- Onsite registration opens December 6
注册取消政策-Cancellation Policy
Cancellations must be received in writing prior to November 17, 2021 and are subject to the following processing fees:
- $75.00 Regular Registration, AACR Member and UT Health San Antonio Faculty & Staff
- $20.00 Resident/ Postdoctoral fellow and Student
Refunds will not be granted after November 17, 2021 nor will they be given for no-shows. Please email cancellations to [email protected].
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
免责条款:本站信息均收集整理自互联网,访问者如需了解更多详情,请进入相关活动官网,本站不对相关信息的准确性承担任何责任; 若本站的资讯侵害您的权益,请发送邮件到[email protected],本站将在核实相关情况后第一时间删除。继续访问本站视为认同以上条款。