2022年AABB年会(AABB Annual Meeting)
会议地点: 美国 奥兰多
会议时间: 2022年10月1-4日
行业: 遗传|移植|血液学会议
AABB(原美国血库协会)成立于1947年,是一个代表从事输血医学、细胞治疗和患者血液管理的个人和机构的国际性非营利组织。AABB致力于通过开发和提供标准、认证和教育项目,优化患者和捐献者的护理和安全,改善公众的健康。AABB由近2000家机构成员和8000名个人会员组成,其中包括医生、护士、科学家、研究人员、管理人员、医疗技术人员宣和其他医疗保健提供者,成员来自80多个国家。AABB的愿景是使输血和细胞治疗在世界范围内是安全、可行和有效的。2005年,为更准确地反映其利益和多元化的成员,美国血库协会更改名称,仅使用原英文名称(American Association of Blood Banks)的首字母缩写“AABB”作为现有名称,并采用了“在全球范围内推进输血和细胞疗法”这一标签。
2022 AABB Annual Meeting
Date: October 1-4, 2022
Location: Orlando, FL, USA
The AABB Annual Meeting is the must-attend event to learn about cutting-edge research, keep up with the latest technological advances and network with like-minded professionals from throughout the world.
Abstracts are due Friday, April 16, 2021.
MID- to LATE JULY 2021: Notification of Acceptance*
OCTOBER 2021: AABB Annual Meeting
* Presenting authors will receive notification of the status of their abstract via email. If accepted, abstracts must be presented at the 2021 AABB Annual Meeting. The presenting author must register for the meeting, prepare their poster (or oral presentation if selected) and present during their assigned session time.
摘要提交费-Submission Fee
A $25 (USD) nonrefundable processing fee is required for each abstract submission. This fee helps support AABB’s ability to further contribute to the advancement of research in the field.
Abstract Preparation and Submission Guidelines
Submission of an abstract indicates the following:
1. The author(s) has not published the data in a scientific journal; nor, has the data been accepted for publication before the AABB abstract submission closing date.
2. The author(s) has not presented the data at another national or international annual scientific meeting.
3. The accuracy of the submitted abstract is the responsibility of the author(s). Errors made on your submitted abstract are likely to appear in print.
4. Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present it if accepted. Failure to present, if not
justified, may jeopardize future acceptance of abstracts. Expenses associated with the submission and presentation of an
abstract are the responsibility of the author/presenter. The presenter is required to attend the annual meeting during the day of presentation and must submit the applicable registration fee.
5. The content of the presentation and reference materials must remain the responsibility of the author(s). A commercial supporter may help prepare the presentation, but they should not be biased to advance the proprietary interest of the sponsor
会议对象: 医师,护士,科学家,研究人员,管理员,医疗技术人员,以及其他相关卫生保健专业人士。
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