2021年第14届世界儿科皮肤病学大会(WCPD 2021)
会议地点: 英国 爱丁堡(Edinburgh, UK.)
会议时间: 2021年9月22-25日
行业: 整形|美容|皮肤|性病会议
Extended deadline until Thursday 15th April
Successful poster submitters will be asked to submit an e-poster as well as bring a hardcopy poster version.
Oral Presentations
Oral papers have been allocated slots of 10 minutes, 8 minutes verbal presentation and 2 minutes for questions. You are advised to be well rehearsed as your presentation must not exceed the time limit. The session will be strictly controlled by the chairman.
Please bring your presentation to the speaker preview room 2 hours prior to the talk.
Poster Presentations
A select number of posters will be given a 3 minute presentation slot. All posters will be displayed in the Lomond Suite on the ground floor of the Edinburgh International Conference Centre. Posters should be displayed between 10:00 and 17:00 on Wednesday 22nd September and removed from the poster area by 15:00 on Saturday 25th September. Velcro will be provided to fix your poster.
Dear Colleague,
On behalf of the local organising committee I would like to welcome you to the 14th World Congress of Paediatric Dermatology. We are delighted to be hosting WCPD2021 in the UK, with the support of the British Society of Paediatric Dermatology (BSPD) and the International Society of Pediatric Dermatology (ISPD).
The scientific programme is of the highest quality, with a truly international line up of many of the most prominent speakers and chairs in our field today. The 10 keynote speakers have been chosen for their experience as well as for the uniqueness of their expertise, allowing us all to learn the latest from their specialist fields.
The meeting is currently running as a hybrid meeting rather than completely in person, due to the pandemic. The programme is guaranteed to be delivered as advertised, and as many speakers as possible will be in Edinburgh, standing at a podium and delivery high quality presentations in a real setting. As many in-person delegates will be admitted as we are allowed at the time of the conference in September – when you register for a virtual place you are able to register your interest in hearing about in-person places if more are released and transfer will be simple.
Join us! Register today, and submit an abstract by 1st April to have the chance to have your work within this fabulous meeting.
Prof Veronica Kinsler
14th WCPD 2021 President
注册费-Registration Rates
All live and virtual registrations can be swapped subject to availability
Category | Early bird (up to April 26th 2021) & accepted abstract rate | Standard rate (up to 8th September) | Onsite |
VIRTUAL Standard Rate | £450 | £550 | £650 |
VIRTUAL Reduced Rate | £250 | £300 | £350 |
VIRTUAL BSPD Member | £400 | £500 | £600 |
VIRTUAL Reduced Rate BSPD Member | £200 | £250 | £300 |
Standard Rate | £500 | £600 | £700 |
Reduced Rate | £300 | £350 | £400 |
BSPD Member | £450 | £550 | £650 |
Reduced Rate BSPD Member | £250 | £300 | £350 |
Pre-Congress Courses | £125 or £150 depending on Category | ||
VIRTUAL Pre-Congress Courses | £95 or £100 depending on Category |
Registration for 14th World Congress of Paediatric Dermatology is now open. Please note that pre-registration for the meeting will close on 8th September 2021. If you wish to attend and register after this date you will have to do so onsite as online registrations will be closed.
*Applications should be accompanied by a letter from the head of department confirming eligibility.
There are a limited number of places at the Congress and delegates are advised to secure a place prior to booking travel and accommodation. The organiser reserves the right to refuse any registrations if the criteria are not met.
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