2023年第25届世界皮肤病学大会(WCD 2023)
会议地点: 新加坡/Singapore - Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre
会议时间: 2023年7月3-8日
行业: 整形|美容|皮肤|性病会议
2023年第25届世界皮肤病学大会(WCD 2023)将于2023年7月3-8日在新加坡举行,会议由国际皮肤科学会联盟(ILDS)和新加坡皮肤病学会(DSS)等单位联合举办。自1889年首届会议在巴黎举办以来,世界皮肤病学大会至今已成功举办24届,目前每四年在国际皮肤病学会联盟(ILDS)的主持下举行一次。大会将汇集世界一流的皮肤病学专家,集中讨论皮肤科学领域的重大突破和进展,从临床实践到研究、技术和创新,为来自世界各地的皮肤科医师提供了一个分享他们的临床经验和科学进展的机会;预计有来自全球 180多个国家的10000余名代表参会。
大会主题:“Dermatology Beyond Borders”
Welcome message
from President and Secretary-General 25th WCD 2023
We are very honoured that Singapore was chosen as the host city for the 25th World Congress of Dermatology 2023.
The congress theme is “Dermatology Beyond Borders”. The congress will provide the occasion for clinicians, researchers, industry and other partners to work towards extending the boundaries of dermatology. We aim to increase cooperation and collaboration across geographic, political and economic borders, to strengthen our specialty and improve skin health for everyone.
The 25th WCD will present a broad, deep and interesting scientific programme that will cover all clinical areas, enhance patient and community engagement, and promote the understanding of basic, translational and implementation science. We aim to transcend borders to be an inclusive conference that will celebrate our diversity.
The conference will be underpinned by science, advance care, and celebrate communities.
The 25th WCD will be especially significant as we emerge from a difficult period of health and economic turmoil, a period where countless lives would have been lost and livelihoods of millions of others destroyed. The 25th WCD will be an auspicious occasion when the specialty can take stock, unify our plans and chart new ways forward.
This is the first time that the WCD will be held in South and South East Asia, a rapidly advancing region with a population of over 2.3 billion people. We will work with dermatology networks and societies in South-East Asia, as well as those of many other nations in the region to include programmes that will feature dermatologists from South and South East Asia, a region with more than 20000 dermatologists.
Singapore is a vibrant city-state situated one degree north of the equator. It is a global centre of travel, finance, commerce and science. It is a melting pot of several Eastern and Western cultures, with an ethnically diverse population of 5.6 million people living in racial and religious harmony that is a model for the world.
Travelling to the city is hassle-free through extensive and convenient air connections. You will land in Changi airport, the beautiful award-winning airport. Only a few nationalities require a visa for entry into Singapore. For the minority who require a visa, visa-processing time with complete documentation takes 1 to 3 working days.
The Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre, with state-of-the-art conference facilities and services, will be the venue for the congress. The Centre is situated in the historical and civic centre of the city, making access to the congress simple, fast and inexpensive. There is a wide range of hotel accommodation, and thousands of rooms are in walking distance.
Singapore is a democratic and secular country. The Internet is fast, freely accessible and open, and English is spoken everywhere. We are recognised for world-leading standards of governance, transparency, efficiency, security and safety. Visitor attractions are plentiful and include great museums, modern business districts, historical precincts, tropical parks and walks, bustling shopping and dining, and a vibrant cultural scene. Our food culture is world-famous, drawing from multicultural roots mixed with international influences.
We look forward to welcoming you to Singapore and to a meaningful and unforgettable 25th WCD.
Prof. Roy CHAN
A/Prof. LIM Yen Loo
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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