会议地点: 虚拟会议
会议时间: 2021年1月30日至2月28日
行业: 神经|心理|精神会议
AOCCN 2020 aims to provide attendees with a fundamental overview of the role of clinical neurophysiology in diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system as well as showcase the recent advancements and latest technology in this field.
7th AOCCN Virtual Congress (30 January till 28 February 2021)
7th AOCCN Virtual Congress’s sessions, sponsored symposiums, virtual exhibits, and free paper presentation will be available from 30th January until 28th February 2021 for registered delegates.
30th MSN Annual Scientific Meeting in Royale Chulan Hotel (30 January till 1 February 2021)
Registration for 30th MSN ASM will open on 1st December 2020
On-site Registration (Only for National Delegate) | MSN Members | Non-MSN Members |
Specialists / Consultants | RM 600 | RM 800 |
Trainess / Students / Allied Health Professionals | RM 400 | RM 600 |
- Registration comes with 7th AOCCN Virtual Congress.
- Allied Health Professionals refers to Non-Clinicians and includes Technologists, Nurses and Therapists.
- As participation availability is limited for this on-site conference, please register early before 31st December 2020 to avoid disappointment. Registration will be close as soon as the maximum capacity of the conference has been met.
- If the on-site conference has to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g. worsening Covid-19 outbreak), all participants will be given a full refund.
- Registration for Physical Congress is in Royale Chulan Hotel.
Registration for the physical Congress in Royale Chulan Hotel is only open for local delegates residing in Malaysia.
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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2022年第16届世界神经病学争议大会(CONy 2022)
2022年第30届欧洲精神病学大会(EPA 2022)
2020年第78届美国心身学会年会(APS 2020)
2022年第8届世界颅内出血大会(WICH 2022)