2021年国际头痛大会(IHC 2021)
会议地点: 虚拟会议
会议时间: 2021年9月9日至12日
行业: 神经|心理|精神会议
IHS and EHF joint congress 2021
Headache science to optimise patient care
8–12 September 2021
Submit your abstract until 6 April 2021, 23.59 CET.
Please prepare your abstract in an extra e. g. Word-file and read the following information carefully before proceeding to the online submission form.
Welcome letter
Dear colleagues and friends,
In 2020 the life we know has changed in an unforeseen way due to the worldwide crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic. Scientific and medical organisations worldwide (including European Headache Federation, Migraine Trust International Congress and American Headache Society) have for the first time held virtual congresses, the only possible way to enable scientific exchange.
This has proved very successful and a practical substitute for an in-person event. Indeed, suddenly, people from all over the world, who had never had the chance to take part in an onsite congress, had the possibility to join and share in the latest research. We want to ensure that we build on this opportunity for future congresses.
Therefore, we have two announcements to make: the International Headache Society (IHS) and European Headache Federation (EHF) will unite for a joint International Headache Congress in 2021, and the congress will be organised as a fully virtual congress.
We cordially invite you to join us in this unique and very special combined congress of two of the most important headache societies from 8-12 September 2021 virtually. Through the virtual format of our congress, we want to underline the modernity of our organisations and the common goal to transfer ongoing research for the benefit of patients, and for that reason we have chosen the main topic “Headache science to optimise patient care”.
We must continue to work on improving awareness of headache disorders and educating about headache. Furthermore, it is crucial that we network internationally and keep the current state of research and global treatment standards transparent. After all, headaches have no international boundaries or nationalities. Through our exchange at conferences such as this one, we endeavour to ensure that headache patients worldwide receive the most up-to-date treatments available.
Our scientific programme combines sessions on basic research and evidence-based standards as well as innovative ideas, new research approaches and clinical trial reports. We look forward to plenary lectures by internationally renowned scientists and to controversial discussions. And last but not least, the congress offers numerous practical courses to consolidate knowledge and serve as a solid basis for further education. Together with an excellent scientific programme committee, we will be creating a well-balanced and exciting scientific programme in the coming months – feel free to take a look at the preliminary programme on our official congress website!
We very much look forward to e-meeting you in September 2021 virtually to discuss how to optimise patient care.
With the warmest regards,
Zaza Katsarava, EHF President
Messoud Ashina, IHS President
IHC/EHF 2021 Congress Co-Chairs
Combined congress IHC 2021
Early bird | Regular | Late & Onsite | |
Regular participant | 300 € | 350 € | 400 € |
IHS member | 200 € | 250 € | 300 € |
Reduced participant (Fellow, nurse, physical therapist) |
75 € | 100 € | 125 € |
Low and middle income countries | 40 € | 65 € | 85 € |
German track "Headache Day" | |||
Regular participant | 100 € | 150 € | 175 € |
Reduced participant | 50 € | 50 € | 50 € |
Teaching courses | |||
Teaching courses IHS member | 40 € | 40 € | 40 € |
Teaching courses non member | 75 € | 75 € | 75 € |
Teaching courses low and middle income countries | 35 € | 35 € | 35 € |
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