会议地点: 西班牙 巴塞罗那/Barcelona, Spain
会议时间: 2023年7月4日至7日
行业: 神经|心理|精神会议
The 6th World Parkinson Congress (WPC 2023) - World Parkinson Coalition
Date: July 4-7, 2023
Location: Barcelona, Spain
The abstracts for WPC 2023 will open on August 15, 2022 and the deadline to submit is January 13, 2023.
Original Submissions
All submissions must be original research. Previously published papers may not be submitted. By submitting an abstract, you affirm that it is your own work either individually, or of the group.
Abstracts Presented at Other Meetings
Abstracts that have been presented at other meetings may be submitted if they have not been published and if the meeting name and date are cited accordingly.
Maximum Length
350 words (approximately 2500 characters, including spaces)
Scientific abstracts are open to those involved in research related to the field of Parkinson’s. Living with Parkinson’s abstracts are open to those involved in education and advocacy related to Parkinson’s.
Submission Fee
There is no submission fee to submit an abstract.
Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
Instructions for Submission of Late Breaking Abstracts
We will be accepting late breaking abstracts in the spring of 2023. Submit abstracts via the official online WPC 2023 abstract site during this window of time. The person submitting the abstract must be the presenting author.
Evaluation and Rejection of Abstracts
The WPC retains the right to reject abstracts for the following reasons:
- Plagiarism
- Marketing
- Subject unrelated to Parkinson’s
- Does not meet basic requirements
- Violates ethics to be determined by the WPC
Abstract Plagiarism Policy
Should the software detect plagiarism:
- The plagiarizer will be banned from registering for the Congress to which the plagiarized abstract(s) was/were submitted.
- They will be banned from submitting abstracts to the WPC immediately following the Congress where they violated this plagiarism rules. This means three years after the violation. So in effect, they will have to wait six years to submit an abstract to the WPC again.
Hot Topics Presentations
Twelve scientific abstracts will be selected for “Hot Topics” which means an invitation to orally present your work one morning in the large plenary hall before the morning plenary starts. This is an amazing opportunity to present to up to 1,000 people, including many of the leaders in the field. If you’d like your abstract to be considered for this, you will need to check the appropriate box on the online submission form. The person who submits, will be invited to present.
Stanley Fahn Young Investigator Award
Named after WPC founder and world renowned Parkinsonologist, this award will be given to ONE outstanding abstract submitter whose work is deemed innovative and visionary. The selected person will be invited to be part of the group of Hot Topics presenters to present his/her work and will receive a cash prize.
Poster Tours
A limited number of abstracts will be invited to be part of a Poster Tour on either Wednesday or Thursday evening during the Congress. These are in addition to the period over lunch when authors are expected to host their poster. If you would like your abstract to be considered for a poster tour, you will have the chance to indicate this during the submission process. The person who submits the abstract will be the one invited to present during the poster tour.
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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