会议地点: 美国 奥兰多/Orlando, Florida
会议时间: 2022年1月26日至30日
行业: 神经|心理|精神会议
美国临床神经生理学会(ACNS)成立于1946年,原名美国脑电图学会(AEEGS),1995年更为现名。ACNS是美国首屈一指的致力于在神经病学、神经外科学和精神病学实践中建立和维护卓越的临床神经生理学专业标准的专业组织宣。 ACNS是国际临床神经生理学联合会北美分会的一部分,该分会包括美国神经肌肉和电诊断医学协会(AANEM)和加拿大临床神经生理学家协会(CSCN)。
The ACNS Annual Meeting & Courses are the ACNS's flagship educational programs, designed to provide a solid review of the fundamentals and the latest scientific advances in both “central” and “peripheral” clinical neurophysiology.
Hybrid Format
The 2022 Annual Meeting & Courses will convene January 26 – 30, 2022 in Orlando…and online! The 2022 Annual Meeting & Courses will be a hybrid event, offering attendees the option of joining in-person or virtually.
The Annual Courses and select Annual Meeting symposia will be live-streamed, and the Annual Courses will also be available on-demand following the meeting. Please note that Annual Meeting sessions will not be recorded nor available for viewing after the meeting.
Delegates attending in Orlando will also have full access to the virtual meeting platform.
Registration Rates
Pricing applies to both in-person and virtual attendance options.
Bundle Pricing |
Individual Course Pricing | |||
Annual Meeting |
Annual Courses - ALL ACCESS |
Full-Day Courses |
Half-Day Course |
Short Courses | |
Junior, Technologist, and Reduced Rate Member |
$270 |
$175 |
$125 |
$65 |
$30 |
Non-Member Trainee, Technologist, Reduced Rate Country |
$380 |
$250 |
$175 |
$90 |
$45 |
Member |
$400 |
$350 |
$250 |
$125 |
$65 |
Non-Member |
$575 |
$475 |
$350 |
$175 |
$85 |
Registration Includes
Annual Meeting
Onsite Annual Meeting registration includes access to:
- Annual Meeting general and concurrent sessions;
- Networking functions and the Welcome Reception;
- Meal functions including coffee breaks, boxed lunches; and
- The onsite exhibit hall, sponsored product theaters and learning labs.
Virtual attendance via the Annual Meeting Virtual Platform includes access to:
- Annual Meeting general sessions and select concurrent sessions;
- The e-poster hall;
- Virtual exhibit hall; and
- Virtual networking events.
Annual Courses
Annual Courses registration is available on either a per course basis, or as an all-access pass to all Annual Course content! Annual Courses will be presented live in Orlando, live-streamed to the virtual platform, and available on-demand approximately February 1-14, 2022.
Delegates attending in Orlando will also have full access to the virtual meeting platform!
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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2022年第51届美国神经科学学会(SFN)年会(Neuroscience 2022)
2022年第16届世界神经病学争议大会(CONy 2022)
2023年第35届国际癫痫大会(IEC 2023)